Vulnerability Assessment and Penetration Testing (VA/PT) is a cybersecurity practice that involves identifying and evaluating potential weaknesses in a system's security through systematic analysis and simulated attacks, aiming to enhance overall security measures.

Network Penetration Testing

AUM Digitech is recognized as one of the best network penetration testing company in India and abroad, offering comprehensive network penetration testing services. Our expertise lies in simulating cyber attacks to assess network security, detect potential vulnerabilities, and safeguard sensitive data. We follow a highly technical and methodical approach, leveraging our experience to provide top-notch network penetration testing services that meet the diverse security needs of our clients.

As a top-rated network penetration testing company in India, we specialize in VAPT (Vulnerability Assessment and Penetration Testing) services for networks, web applications, and mobile platforms. Our team conducts in-depth assessments to understand each client’s unique cybersecurity posture, tailoring our testing methodologies to address specific security requirements. We are committed to delivering expert network penetration testing that identifies and prevents potential cyber threats, ensuring the resilience of your IT infrastructure against attacks. Trust AUM Digitech for comprehensive and reliable network security solutions that exceed industry standards. ​

best network penetration testing services in india

Network Security Testing Process:

Before Testing Starts

During Testing

Ethical Hacking

After Testing

Testing Outcome

Network Pentesting Tools

AUM Digitech uses highly technical industry standard tools to perform vulnerability scanning, vulnerability assessment and the network penetration testing. While the tools certainly add value in saving time and automating the process, primarily a manual testing approach is used. A team of certified experts capture logs, analyze those and corroborate the vulnerabilities. This is done to mimic real life hackers, thus further increasing the accuracy of the results. Following a high level list of tools that we use in network pentesting.

To completely secure your digital assets, AUM Digitech Solutions specialises in a variety of cutting-edge penetration testing services. Our web application PT guarantees the resilience against cyber attacks and the robustness of your web platforms. We assess the security of your mobile applications using our mobile penetration testing services, finding and fixing flaws. Our API penetration testing services also prioritise data channel security, guaranteeing the integrity of your APIs. Our cloud penetration testing service provides an in-depth evaluation of the security posture of your cloud environment for cloud-based technologies. Being the best digital marketing firm in Mumbai, we offer comprehensive solutions to strengthen your online presence by including these services into our campaigns. Put your trust in AUM Digitech Solutions, the top provider of digital marketing in India, to safeguard your digital assets and propel your business forward.